Empower Muslim widows and orphans
We need only 60 Generous Muslims to donate $40
Help us complete our goal in Ramadan

► PAYPAL added for easy donations.
Please remember this charity will help poor sisters earn a living from the comfort of their homes. Each sister will also be gifted the following:
1. Sewing Machine.
2. 5 Salwar Kameez - 2 Scarfs.
3. And a food package that can feed a family of 4-6 people for an entire month of Ramadan and special food items for the day of Eid.
4. Blankets.
5. Air coolers
6. Furniture for the wedding of poor Muslim sisters and helping them settle in life.
7. Fee for education and school uniforms.
8. Medical expenses especially for kids with cancer.
"Charity does not decrease wealth"
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
[Sahih Muslim]
PHOTOGRAPHS OF PAST 4 YEARS BEFORE THAT - https://www.facebook.com/pg/IdealMuslimah/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10151689458582214
Our aim is to raise money within this month. That way we will have ample time to purchase machines and the clothes and allocate everything accordingly.
Donate whatever little amount you can inshaAllah
Even $10 and $5 donations matter.
If you cannot donate the least you can do is share this link with family and friends so that someone might donate and you will get equal reward without even donating - inshaAllah
"If you give for the sake of Allah - this is Allah's promise to you
"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned."
{Surah Al Baqarah 2 : Verse 245}
► This is our 6th year - ALHUMDULILLAH!
► Help us make it a success and help us in reaching our target as soon as possible.
Sisters we donated to last year are already approaching this year in hopes that grocery and clothes will be given.
Jazak Allah khair!
Our charity has begun alhumdulillah!
NGO's page to stay upto date with updates Ideal Widow & Orphan Empowerment

Brothers and sisters...
Let's help orphans and needy people in Indonesia with us
Please support us at ussunnah.org/orphans
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